Get Outside and Enjoy Milwaukee, WI
26 April 2023
With the arrival of Spring, it's the perfect time to start taking your workouts outside. Spending time in nature and getting some fresh air and sunshine can be a great way to boost your mood and get some exercise. At 7SEVENTY7, we encourage our residents to take advantage of the beautiful surroundings and enjoy a variety of outdoor workouts. Here are a few outdoor activities you might want to try:
Walking, jogging, or running - Whether you prefer a gentle stroll or a more intense run, getting outside for a walk or jog is a great way to get your heart rate up and enjoy the fresh air.
Hiking - Take advantage of the beautiful trails and parks near our community, like Lakeshore State Park! Hiking is a great way to explore the outdoors and get some exercise.
Biking - Hop on a bike and hit the road or bike paths for a fun and challenging workout. We are happy to provide four complimentary bicycle rentals for residents to enjoy local bike paths.
Outdoor yoga - Take your yoga mat outside and enjoy a peaceful practice surrounded by nature.
Outdoor strength training - Use your body weight or bring some equipment outside for a challenging strength training session.
Of course, if the weather doesn't cooperate, you can always head to our incredible fitness centers at 7SEVENTY7 for a warm-up, cool-down stretch, or an indoor workout. Whatever your preference, we encourage our residents to stay active and make the most of the beautiful Spring weather.